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Request Public Records

General Information

While most records are available, there are certain restrictions and exemptions that might preclude an immediate (or any) release of information (e.g., records related to the public has the right to request certain public records from the Sheriff's Office. ), LRS 44:1 et al (Under the Louisiana Public Records Law regarding an ongoing criminal investigations, juvenile records, etc.).


All public records requests MUST be sent in writing by U.S. Mail to the custodian of records at


Grant Parish Sheriff's Office

Custodian of Records

P.O. Box 187

Colfax, Louisiana 71417


To ensure that the Grant Parish Sheriff's Office has sufficient opportunity to respond as required by law, a request will not be deemed received if transmitted by any other method.


When making your request, please be as specific as possible as to what record or data you are asking for.  You should note that if the data does not exist in the format that you are requesting, the Sheriff is under no obligation to customize or generate forms to fit your needs.  We will make every endeavor to provide the record or data that you are looking for, it just may not be in the exact format that you are seeking. 


Please note that in order to inspect, copy or reproduce any public record, the person making the request must be of the age of majority (i.e., 18 years of age).



A public records request allows the person to "view" the record at a place and time designated by the Custodian during normal working hours (unless an exemption is made).  The Grant Parish Sheriff's Office hours are typically Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm.



If the person wants a copy of the public record, they are allowed to request copies from the Custodian. Please note that if you request an electronic version of a record or spreadsheet, it will most likely be provided in a format that will not permit the record to be altered once it is provided (i.e., a .pdf file).  This is done to protect the integrity of the data.  Adobe Reader will be needed to view these files.  Adobe Reader can be downloaded for free here.



State laws also allow the Sheriff's Office to charge reasonable fees for public records.


Medical records requests require that this HIPAA form with the inmate's original signature be sent with the request.


Crash reports and initial incident reports, unless privileged as outlined below, can also be obtained, in person, at the Grant Parish Sheriff's Office Records Division located in the Criminal Building at 220 Cedar Street, Colfax, LA 71417.  The phone number is 318-627-3261.  Requests for these records can also be made here.

Cost of Public Records and Medical Records

  • Copies of Photos - $3.00 per photo.

  • Copies of Documents - First ten (10) pages, $35.00. $1.00 per page after ten (10) pages.

  • Copies of Audio and/or Video - $1.00 per minute plus $10.00 per computer disk.

  • Actual Cost of Postage to Provide Records - Varies based on quantity to deliver records via USPS or other courier services.

If the custodian authorizes examination of records in other than regular office or working hours, the persons designated to represent the custodian during such examination shall be entitled to reasonable compensation to be paid to them by the public body having custody of such record, out of funds provided in advance by the person examining such record in other than regular office or working hours.

Criminal Records

All criminal offense records are generally considered privileged and do not become public record until adjudicated. In certain instances, records falling into the following categories, specified by La. R. S. 44.1 and 44.3, continue to be privileged because of the very nature of the information contained therein after adjudication and shall not be released except in response to a lawful court order:

  • Investigative reports

  • Supplemental reports (aside from property information)

  • Statements

  • Reports revealing the identity of undercover officers or any reports that would tend to identify undercover officers

  • Reports identifying juvenile criminal or status offenders.

  • Reports identifying in any way victims of sexual offenses

  • Reports detailing investigative techniques

  • Reports detailing security procedures

  • Reports containing training information

  • Reports detailing investigative technical equipment or instructions on the use thereof

  • Reports identifying confidential sources

Record Keeping

In order to document the release of public information to members of the public, a records release ledger shall be maintained by the Criminal Records Division reflecting the identity (full name, address, date of birth, and driver’s license number) of all persons who are provided public records. This ledger shall also include a document identifying file number (item number), type of report (signal), and number of pages of the released document.

This documentation shall not include the release records or information to governmental entities or the respective representatives to whom documents are released to for purposes of official investigations, prosecutions, etc.


  • Arrest Reports
    General Information Booking information is public record. All requests for booking information on any arrest made in Grant Parish are available through the Grant Parish Detention Facility. Arrest Report Requests Requests for arrest reports are public record and therefore can be released. All other documents pertaining to an arrest are privileged until adjudicated or until the case has completed final litigation (completed the court process), and the documentation supporting the adjudication is on file or produced. Aside from field arrest reports, only arrest records containing the final disposition of each specific arrest can be released. Privileged Reports Arrest reports falling into the following categories are termed as being privileged and therefore shall not be released whether adjudicated or not: Arrest reports that identify any victim of a sexual offense Arrest reports containing the identity of any undercover law enforcement officer, or any arrest report that could by its very nature identify an undercover officer The arrest report of any person identified as a status offender as defined in the Code of Juvenile Procedure (Juvenile) Additional Information For more information, please call (318) 627-3724.
  • Auto, Supplemental, & Juvenile Reports
    Auto Accident Reports Motor Vehicle Crash Investigative Reports are not public record (see La R. S. 32:398) but can be released to the parties involved, owners of property effected, and/or their representatives (insurers, attorney’s representing parties, etc.) Supplemental Reports As stated above, supplemental or investigative reports are privileged and shall not be released. The only exceptions are supplemental reports detailing property damaged, lost, stolen, or recovered. Reports Involving Juveniles Any arrest report of a juvenile or any incident report identifying a suspect who is a juvenile is considered privileged. These reports cannot be released without a court order. Incident reports containing the identity of juveniles who were victims, witnesses, reporting persons, complainants, or persons interviewed are public record. However, the identifiers of any juvenile shall be stricken or blacked out (utilizing a thick black marker) from all places in which the identifiers appear on any incident report. Additional Information For more information, please call (318) 627-3261.
  • Criminal Records Checks
    Required Information Frequently, the Grant Parish Sheriff's Office receives requests for criminal records checks. Individuals requesting record checks upon themselves must submit a written request containing the following information: Name (first middle and last) Date of birth Any other identifiers (social security number or driver's license number) Reason for inquiry Proof of identity (photo identification) With the above information, adjudicated criminal arrest files shall be released to the requestor. Additional Information For more information, please call (318) 627-3261.
  • Incident Reports
    First Reports First reports involving criminal offenses where it is not generally considered that an arrest is imminent are public record and therefore should be released upon request. These types of reports usually consist of reports of property crime (thefts, burglary, etc.) requested by victims or their representatives (insurance companies) for insurance purposes. Notice It is imperative to note that the first report is the only portion considered public record. No investigative or supplemental reports may be released except supplemental information involving a listing of property damaged, lost, stolen, or recovered. Additional Information For more information, please call (318) 627-3261.
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205 Cypress Street

P.O. Box 187

Colfax, LA 71417

Office Hours 8:00 am - 4:30 pm  Mon-Fri

Phone:  318-627-3261



Police, Fire, Medical

Emergencies:  Dial 911

Non-Emergencies: 318-627-3261

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