Safety Tips & Information
Stop Crime with these Security & Self Defense Tips
Here Are Some Facts About Crime…
As you know, crime is on the increase in most large U.S. cities. It is also becoming more prevalent in small communities. Thinking that it can only happen to someone else and doing nothing to prepare yourself or take precautionary measures in case make you the perfect victim criminals are looking for. Making yourself less of a target is simpler than you might think. Defense sprays like pepper spray or mace spray and weapons like air tasers and stun guns, when properly used can significantly improve your chances of escaping or minimizing dangerous situations involving attackers and assailants. Pepper spray, made with made with Oleo resin Capsicum (hence the name "OC" pepper spray), is probably the most basic personal protection product. The “safeguards” and tips available to you here will help protect you – and may even save your life!
1. Preventing Crime
It’s true that anyone can become a victim of crime, but there are some very basic things that you can do to deter criminals from choosing you. People generally think of their homes as safe havens where the outside world cannot get to them, but statistics constantly show that crime and home invasions are on the rise all over the United States. Do what you can to make your home as safe as possible. It all starts by becoming more active with your neighborhood.
2. Crime in Your Neighborhood
One of the best ways to ensure that a burglar does not target your house for a break in is to make your entire block a highly secure area. This involves working with your neighbors so that everyone watches out for each other. Think of your block as a mini-community, and you can rely on your neighbors to keep you safe just as much as they can rely on you. Meet the people who live nearby, and get to know their names, what cars they have and exchange phone numbers. Keep a list of this contact information near a phone, so you can call anyone on your block should the need arise. Consider starting an official Neighborhood Watch Group and working with local law enforcement agencies to help watch over everyone in your neighborhood.
3. Watch For Strangers
Once you get to know the people around you, you will be better prepared to notice strangers who seem to be hanging around a lot. Seeing someone you don’t know to walk down your street once is not at all unusual, but if that same person were to be lingering and going back and forth on your block frequently, they may be casing the neighborhood and looking for a home to rob. Similarly, if you note an unfamiliar car that is spending a lot of time driving on your street, it could be an indication that criminals are looking for potential targets. Warn a neighbor if you see someone looking at his or her home, and don’t be afraid to call the police to report suspicious behavior. As it is often said, the best way to avoid being victimized by crime is to prevent it from happening.
4. Get Involved In Community Youth Groups
Much of the crime that occurs in residential areas is carried out by kids who are just bored and looking for a thrill. To some younger people, the idea of smashing a window, grabbing a few valuables and running off is exciting and adventurous. After school programs such as youth sports teams can provide a great alternative for potentially maladjusted youths who can benefit from the social aspect, learn to cooperate with others and stay out of trouble.
5. Deter Criminals From Choosing Your Home
Even a well-watched neighborhood can be struck by crime. A burglar looks for the easiest target possible, so it is up to you to make your house difficult to break into. The first step is keeping exterior and interior lights on during the night. Criminals prefer a cover of darkness and will gravitate towards a home that has no lights on at all.
When you go out for the night, keep a television on, or play a radio inside the house. This will give the appearance that someone is still home, which is a great deterrent to criminals. Experts often recommend choosing a talk station for the radio to give the impression that a conversation is taking place inside. A lawbreaker may still attempt to break into your home if they become reasonably certain they can do so without being noticed. Continue on to the second part of this article to find out some methods of making sure they can’t get in. Criminals have developed methods of breaking into most any home or building, but even a highly experienced lawbreaker will only devote a very short time to getting inside. The longer it takes for them to make their way in, the better the chances are that someone might see them and call the police. You can take steps to make it not worthwhile for a criminal choose your house by beefing up your security measures.
6. Make Your Home A Fortress
Burglars look for an easy entrance to a home. A pet door, busted window or unlocked point of access will let them get in quickly. Walk around your house and examine it to make sure there are no vulnerable points that lawbreakers can use to force their way inside. Fix broken windows, busted locks and any other part of your house that is not secure immediately. Security windows are designed to not be breakable, so installing them will make your home more of a stronghold. You can even purchase bulletproof glass for extra security. These items can get expensive, so a good alternative is to install a second lock on the window. You can find them at any retail location that sells hardware products, and they do not cost much. Other areas to reinforce with extra locks and deadbolts are the front and back doors. A criminal may take the time to break or disable one lock on a door, but they will think twice about messing with one that has multiple security devices. Glass sliding doors can also be better secured with a security bar. A solid bar will prevent a door from being opened, and it cannot be moved from the outside. You can also find steel pins that lock into place at the bottom of a sliding door to make it impossible to open.
7. Utilize An Alarm System
Hiring the services of a professional security company that will install an alarm in your house will be reassuring, but can also be very expensive. People who can afford it may want to pay extra for the peace of mind it comes with. Not only will your home be monitored at all times, but criminals will also be discouraged from attempting to break in when they see the signs and window decals that inform them of the alarm. Of course, a burglar will not know if you don’t really have an alarm in place. People who can’t afford to install a home alarm company can still buy signs and stickers that announce that they have one. Place a sign in your yard and the decal on your window to give the appearance that you are guarded by a security service. You can also purchase other warning signs such as Vicious Dog an NRA sticker to make criminals think you have attack animals or guns on the premises.
Sheriff McCain reminds you that if you see any suspicious activity in your neighborhood, or need to report a crime, don't hesitate to call. Dial 318-627-3261 or dial 911 in an emergency and we will be of assistance to help you!